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hacker news link | site us table chart open-data
> the mean wage and salary USA personal income, which is $66K USD in 2019.No, the mean wage and salary personal income in 2019 was $51,916.27 (the median was $34,248.45.) [0] Both of those are across ...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us study chart
From the cited paper [1]:> We show that income in the least wealthy decile (10%) scales close to linearly with city population, while income in the most wealthy decile scale with a significantly super...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us calculator
This is because regulatory restrictions inhibiting housing construction leads to housing shortages which prices out lower income workers:
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us study
For reference, and to show how much it adds up, that area you commuted in has the longest average commute in the US[1]:> In the area with the longest average commute (New York-Newark-Jersey City), com...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us pie-chart chart open-data
Just going one step above: and Industry represent 33%, more than the 29% of the total for transportation.Even drilling down t...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us table study open-data
According to [1], the US had net Greenhouse Gas emissions of 6558.3 MMT CO2 Eq, of which transportation CO2 energy emissions took 1817.2 MMT CO2 Eq, of which 58% was due to light-duty vehicles. That m...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site california us study
The Reason Foundation (which is slightly right leaning of center, but makes its case using actual studies and facts) has a great explainer on how plastic bag bans for example hurt the environment more...
show context + On: U.S. generates more plastic trash than any other nation, rep
hacker news link | site europe chart
Yes they fluctuate enough that you can make a profit even with a "20% loss". Here [1] you can see today's prices on the electricity spot market for Europe (Changing the date does not work in...
show context + On: CO2 battery could make wind and solar dispatchable at a lowe
hacker news link | site us study
I think I see where you're comparing the two, (I think) your claim is that both systemic racism and mass censorship are two nuanced topics that aren't observable directly. Which is (maybe) true.Where ...
show context + On: GOP's Big Tech plan ignores consumers, targets censorship of
hacker news link | site us graph
> There is no way you can blame the GOP for Catholic behavior.There's no way you can meaningfully associate the modern political parties with pretty much anything of the 1930s, because aside from the ...
show context + On: GOP's Big Tech plan ignores consumers, targets censorship of
hacker news link | site statistics
This is really a testament to the impact of years of seemingly small advances.Example: when I was younger the 5 year survival rate for malignant melanoma was about 5%. Now? Significantly better [1].[1...
show context + On: Death rates are declining for many common cancers in the U.S
hacker news link | site statistics
>I'm proposing we could build other worlds, such as ring worlds, so that the population and industry of the human race can be moved off-world.>That means we'd be able to treat the Earth as a great big...
show context + On: A Roadmap to Interstellar Flight (2016)
hacker news link | site us study
> I know that P.1 (Brazil variant) seems to totally avoid natural immunity.This is completely false, and is a poor extrapolation from a faulty initial data point. There have now been several publicati...
show context + On: T cells recognize recent SARS-CoV-2 variants
hacker news link | site brazil study
OP is likely talking about: was originally reported in the popular press as "herd immunity doesn't real". The methodology...
show context + On: T cells recognize recent SARS-CoV-2 variants
One quarter per base pair, one half per whole genome.The same proofreading machinery which lowers its mutation rate, though, allows recombination when multiple infection happens. I would argue that g...
show context + On: T cells recognize recent SARS-CoV-2 variants
hacker news link | site world chart
There is lots of lithium. But lithium is kind of a tricky, its almost more chemical then a base metal. Qualifying a new lithium extraction technology is tricky, and every brine is different.Lithium is...
show context + On: Tesla is shifting from nickel to iron cathode on standard ra
Here's a map of the minimum yearly temperatures in the US: C vs F on the legend)As someone who lives in California, and likes snow ...
show context + On: Tesla is shifting from nickel to iron cathode on standard ra
For data tracking/analysis, you're looking for "quantified self" exporting and owning the data the keyword is "data li...
show context + On: Map of my personal data infrastructure
The end of the article says:>> "The fact that there are no specific terms to describe odors supports the idea of a defective association between odor and language. Odors take the name of the obje...
show context + On: The Legendary Study That Embarrassed Wine Experts (2014)
I usually look at Strava's heatmap when I'm unfamiliar with an area. Chances are if there's a path on the map, it shows up on the heatmap.
show context + On: OpenStreetMap proven to be a highly accurate map in top US c
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