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hacker news link | site us study
> I know that P.1 (Brazil variant) seems to totally avoid natural immunity.This is completely false, and is a poor extrapolation from a faulty initial data point. There have now been several publicati...
show context + On: T cells recognize recent SARS-CoV-2 variants
hacker news link | site brazil study
OP is likely talking about: was originally reported in the popular press as "herd immunity doesn't real". The methodology...
show context + On: T cells recognize recent SARS-CoV-2 variants
One quarter per base pair, one half per whole genome.The same proofreading machinery which lowers its mutation rate, though, allows recombination when multiple infection happens. I would argue that g...
show context + On: T cells recognize recent SARS-CoV-2 variants
I usually look at Strava's heatmap when I'm unfamiliar with an area. Chances are if there's a path on the map, it shows up on the heatmap.
show context + On: OpenStreetMap proven to be a highly accurate map in top US c
Suicides are up.The evidence for that is quite weak.From, the literature on the effect of covid-19 on suicide should be interpreted with caution. Most ...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
hacker news link | site germany us study
How about this, then. From :> There is one inevitable conclusion from these studies: COVID infection frequently leads to brain damage —...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
hacker news link | site germany study
Are you sure? From :> In this study of a cohort of German patients recently recovered from COVID-19 infection, CMR revealed cardiac inv...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
Interestingly, in the UK the average age of people who die from coronavirus (82.4) is slightly older than the average age of people dying of other causes (81.5).
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
Sweden basically did a lockdown - it just wasn't state-mandated.If you look at the mobility data [1], you'll see that Sweden followed a very similar trend to its neighbors, and actually maintained low...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
hacker news link | site sweden us
To get a better idea of why zooming out 20 years isn't reasonable, take a look at the past 120 years in the US (Sweden's numbers likely follow the same trajectory):
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
If you zoom out 200 years, this year's mortality looks awesome!Yes, the world has become a safer place to live in over the years.Given the downward trend in age adjusted deaths per million over time, ...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
Sweden had pretty good numbers over the summer, but sadly have a spike of cases over the last month. Essentially half of the total covid cases in Sweden have occurred in time. So with some lag, I'd ...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
February through July, an average of 9.3 years of life lost."Deaths among adults 65 and older accounted for 80% of excess YLL in Apr...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
If you look at data for my country (Scotland) it the 45 - 64 age group have occupied the most hospital beds during the pandemic. to...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
UK death rate, 2015: 9.179 / 1000; 2020: 9.413.Calculated total deaths, 2015 (pop. 64.85 million): 595,258.15; 2020 (pop. 67.89 million): 639,048.57.Difference: 43,790.42. Weekly averages: 11,000 - 12...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
exactly. to boot, if you look at death rates for all of the UK, they have been on an upward trend for the past several years so it is no surprise that deaths would higher this year than in any year in...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
Might be true, and likely is for England, but not for Wales. The data presented on this website doesn't show the flu death curves for 2017 - 2020, only the spike of this year. And you cannot compare a...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
CDC's numbers as of today, scroll down to the "Weekly number of deaths (from all causes)" section
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
This[1] is their source description for Luxembourg. Following their "country profile" link from there, their source seems to be saying around 1% positive test rate for Luxembourg[2].So it's ...
show context + On: MicroCOVID: Estimate the Covid risk from your ordinary daily
I love the effort to quantify things! It's a great approach.I am sure there are a bunch of ways to nitpick but I appreciate the approach.I personally think you need a drop-down for age and your risk t...
show context + On: MicroCOVID: Estimate the Covid risk from your ordinary daily
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