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One quarter per base pair, one half per whole genome.The same proofreading machinery which lowers its mutation rate, though, allows recombination when multiple infection happens. I would argue that g...
show context + On: T cells recognize recent SARS-CoV-2 variants
hacker news link | site germany us study
How about this, then. From :> There is one inevitable conclusion from these studies: COVID infection frequently leads to brain damage —...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
hacker news link | site germany study
Are you sure? From :> In this study of a cohort of German patients recently recovered from COVID-19 infection, CMR revealed cardiac inv...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
Sweden basically did a lockdown - it just wasn't state-mandated.If you look at the mobility data [1], you'll see that Sweden followed a very similar trend to its neighbors, and actually maintained low...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
If you look at data for my country (Scotland) it the 45 - 64 age group have occupied the most hospital beds during the pandemic. to...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
UK death rate, 2015: 9.179 / 1000; 2020: 9.413.Calculated total deaths, 2015 (pop. 64.85 million): 595,258.15; 2020 (pop. 67.89 million): 639,048.57.Difference: 43,790.42. Weekly averages: 11,000 - 12...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
This[1] is their source description for Luxembourg. Following their "country profile" link from there, their source seems to be saying around 1% positive test rate for Luxembourg[2].So it's ...
show context + On: MicroCOVID: Estimate the Covid risk from your ordinary daily
I love the effort to quantify things! It's a great approach.I am sure there are a bunch of ways to nitpick but I appreciate the approach.I personally think you need a drop-down for age and your risk t...
show context + On: MicroCOVID: Estimate the Covid risk from your ordinary daily
hacker news link | site world study
There have reports both ways. It seems quite reasonable that nobody has been looking very hard where there aren't any symptoms.
show context + On: 'Dramatic decline' in average age of Florida coronavirus pat
hacker news link | site china us
I'll respond in the hopes that you learn.First, your general assessment is wrong. The news was already reporting about US intelligence knowing about this in autumn of 2019, as well as China knowing ab...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
According to European surveillance data [1], diarrhea is also a very rare symptom. The authors don't have a convincing argument why this should be a good indicator for COVID-19.[1] bottom row in this ...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
There is another report that suggested mobile data indicated the Wuhan lab "was closed from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a "hazardous event" sometime between Oc...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
hacker news link | site us figures
Not to mention the PCR tests and the antibody tests got combined into "total cases" in several data sets, mucking the numbers:
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
Independent testing of the Abbott assay found lower sensitivity, 94%. The blood samples used to establish sensitivity are also from patients who got sick enough to seek medical care, who likely have h...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
First, if you're talking about swabbing, then I think you're talking about the test to see whether a person is currently infected with the virus. That's what the article you linked was regarding.The a...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
COVID test accuracy is very similar to condom effectiveness: they're both high in theory, but surprisingly low in practice, not because of the science but user error. I've seen estimates as high as 1...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
Anecdotes aren't worth much in this area. There's no conspiracy of silence about problems. We can use actual science. They actually test the quality of these tests. Some are better than others.For exa...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
hacker news link | site us chart
Because when you look at the excess deaths charts [1], there's nothing at all surprising before mid-March. Then from mid-March onwards, deaths (from all causes) go through the roof.So there simply was...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
From> New re­search has deep­ened, rather than dis­pelled, the mys­tery sur­round­ing the ori­gin of the coro­n­avirus re­spon­si­ble f...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
In a previous report by Reuters, all 4,800 personnel were tested for COVID-19. 600 tested positive of which 360 were symptom-free leaving 240 that tested positive and showed symptoms. 1 person died ...
show context + On: U.S. Navy test shows 60 percent of carrier crew have coronav
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