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hacker news link | site us pie-chart chart open-data
Just going one step above: and Industry represent 33%, more than the 29% of the total for transportation.Even drilling down t...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us table study open-data
According to [1], the US had net Greenhouse Gas emissions of 6558.3 MMT CO2 Eq, of which transportation CO2 energy emissions took 1817.2 MMT CO2 Eq, of which 58% was due to light-duty vehicles. That m...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site california us study
The Reason Foundation (which is slightly right leaning of center, but makes its case using actual studies and facts) has a great explainer on how plastic bag bans for example hurt the environment more...
show context + On: U.S. generates more plastic trash than any other nation, rep
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