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hacker news link | site statistics
This is really a testament to the impact of years of seemingly small advances.Example: when I was younger the 5 year survival rate for malignant melanoma was about 5%. Now? Significantly better [1].[1...
show context + On: Death rates are declining for many common cancers in the U.S
hacker news link | site statistics
>I'm proposing we could build other worlds, such as ring worlds, so that the population and industry of the human race can be moved off-world.>That means we'd be able to treat the Earth as a great big...
show context + On: A Roadmap to Interstellar Flight (2016)
hacker news link | site us chart
>The US system doesn't even benefit the wealthy.That's a ridiculous statement, it benefits the wealthy massively. We can argue over whether or not these benefits would be even more massive without ov...
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
Sorry, car accidents won't cut it. Here are the life tables: which link to this spreadsheet:
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
hacker news link | site us figures
West Virginia is 92% non-Hispanic white (2018) and has the lowest life expectancy of any US state (74.8). Which clearly disproves that common hypothesis.
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
hacker news link | site us chart
Similar gaps between the US and comparable countries are apparent at age 40 too:
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
hacker news link | site uk figures
The maternal mortality rate in the US is about 50% higher than in the UK for white mothers (8 versus 12), and the same for Black mothers (about 40):
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
Re: universal healthcare. Latinos in the US have the highest rates of lacking health insurance (20% versus 5% for non-Hispanic whites). But they have the second highest life expectancy (81.8 years—lon...
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
hacker news link | site us figures
There are places where they don't use insurance, it's cash only. The Surgery Center of Oklahoma does cash only and will tell you the cost before you even contact a surgeon or specialist. It's on their...
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
hacker news link | site england us study
I'm trying to find the actual study and having some difficulty. From this descripiton:"The study, funded by the British Heart Found...
show context + On: Most statin problems caused by mysterious 'nocebo effect', s
But you seem to be suggesting that we ignore skin color as a relevant factor, despite the data, out of a belief that any correlations drawn from that data must be distorted to further a political agen...
show context + On: Pulse oximeters give biased results for people with darker s
hacker news link | site new-york chart
Can I just add that seasonal influenza varies widely from year to year? [0]It just so happens that this year was a moderately bad year in the US. I don't know about China. But, they'd have to exclude ...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
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