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For data tracking/analysis, you're looking for "quantified self" exporting and owning the data the keyword is "data li...
show context + On: Map of my personal data infrastructure
We're working on a project in that direction [0].The basic idea of the app is that cyclist record their bike rides through the city and accelerometer data is used to report dangerous situations (e.g. ...
show context + On: OpenStreetMap proven to be a highly accurate map in top US c
Volvo cars will notify other Volvos about slippery roads and other road hazards, and there's work to share this data with other car manufacturers as well.
show context + On: OpenStreetMap proven to be a highly accurate map in top US c
Sweden basically did a lockdown - it just wasn't state-mandated.If you look at the mobility data [1], you'll see that Sweden followed a very similar trend to its neighbors, and actually maintained low...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
If you look at data for my country (Scotland) it the 45 - 64 age group have occupied the most hospital beds during the pandemic. to...
show context + On: The number of people dying is not the same as in any other y
This[1] is their source description for Luxembourg. Following their "country profile" link from there, their source seems to be saying around 1% positive test rate for Luxembourg[2].So it's ...
show context + On: MicroCOVID: Estimate the Covid risk from your ordinary daily
Here's the "report card" (PDF) on the app's data-gathering and privacy features, prepared by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties:
show context + On: Ireland's Health Service Open Sources Official Covid-19 Trac
hacker news link | site england france study
Timely reminder for everyone that there is as of yet no evidence that Apple/Google/DP3T/ExposureFramework based apps deployed in the wild actually work effectively. They've been deployed in a number o...
show context + On: Ireland's Health Service Open Sources Official Covid-19 Trac
You can't mention spurious linear regression without predicting the S&P500 with Leinweiber's price of butter in Bangladesh indicator.
show context + On: Abusing linear regression to make a point
In this Google trends chart, which unfortunately has no data before January 2020, Coronavirus was not a thing until Mid of January:
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
hacker news link | site germany study
Sorry, I cant replicate your result even with your link above. Is Google Trends showing the same results for you and me?There is actually a recent study that finds deviations in the Trends' results de...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
If you zoom in, "December" here mostly means 12/31, the exact day the virus appeared in public news:
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
According to European surveillance data [1], diarrhea is also a very rare symptom. The authors don't have a convincing argument why this should be a good indicator for COVID-19.[1] bottom row in this ...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
There is another report that suggested mobile data indicated the Wuhan lab "was closed from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a "hazardous event" sometime between Oc...
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
hacker news link | site us figures
Not to mention the PCR tests and the antibody tests got combined into "total cases" in several data sets, mucking the numbers:
show context + On: Wuhan hospital traffic, search engine data indicate virus ac
Yes, higher dose/severity probably means more likelihood of detectable antibodies:> These data show that systemic IgA and IgG production agai...
show context + On: U.S. Navy test shows 60 percent of carrier crew have coronav
hacker news link | site world table
I'll give you an honest answer, but well, it's obvious. Yes, it's a big threat, it's clear if you pay attention. It's killed more than 100k people, a lot more than an annual flue. It's a horrible deat...
show context + On: For experts who study coronaviruses, a grim vindication
By 2023, the USGS plans to have taken high-resolution LiDAR over the entire continental U.S., as well as creating 1-meter raster elevation products. Maps like these will be easier to create in the fut...
show context + On: Show HN: High Resolution Terrain Maps of Cascade Volcanoes
Also have a look at the ASTER GDEM data for elevation and water body classification: I have managed to successfully use this in one of my own projects, but it d...
show context + On: Show HN: High Resolution Terrain Maps of Cascade Volcanoes
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