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I love the effort to quantify things! It's a great approach.I am sure there are a bunch of ways to nitpick but I appreciate the approach.I personally think you need a drop-down for age and your risk t...
show context + On: MicroCOVID: Estimate the Covid risk from your ordinary daily
Not obvious this works though. 70% is herd immunity threshold when there is no epidemic. With an active epidemic it may be 95%.Here are some epidemiologists arguing that:
show context + On: Cambridge research team estimates 12% of England has been in> If you're hoping a vaccine is going to be a knight in shining armor saving the day, you may be in for a disappointment. SARSCOV2 is a high...
show context + On: Instacart announces new Covid-19 policies and plans to hire
hacker news link | site new-york us
In comparing the COVID-19 IFR to the flu IFR, it is important to remember that flu vaccines are widely available and limit the spread of influenza. For example, CDC retrospectives for 2018-9 estimate ...
show context + On: Preliminary test results suggest 21% of NYC residents have C
> I am suggesting that you are preferring a rate based on an even more biased method, because the method yields a bigger number.What method? I merely stated that PCR has limitations, I never said I wa...
show context + On: Preliminary test results suggest 21% of NYC residents have C
Good news. Herd-immunity is growing.Also, this means that the death-rate is far lower than reported. And this is nice too. Maybe we can save people by starting the society again.In other news, we see ...
show context + On: Preliminary test results suggest 21% of NYC residents have C
Paper: I'm reading the results table in the linked paper correctly, it seems that household wealth was only a significant predictor of ...
show context + On: Poverty, not trauma, affects cognitive function in refugee y
COVID-19 is not a normal respiratory infection. It seems to prevent your RBCs from holding onto O2 and CO2 mimicking high altitude sickness. The disease acts like HAPE (high altitude pulmonary edema)....
show context + On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
COVID-19 attacks hemoglobin and that is how it damages the lungs. With your hemoglobin unable to exchange oxygen with blood in the lungs, it causes terrible damage.
show context + On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
hacker news link | site china spain
[IANAD] hydroxychloroquine is an immunosuppressant and shouldn't be combined even with vaccines ( ), so using it when immune system is ...
show context + On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
> a promising treatment is frightening. Increasing the mutation rate must carry a large unknown risk. Also surely the first thing to...
show context + On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
An in-vitro pre-print study ( ) showed that administering Hydroxychloroquine only after Covid-19 infection is not helping much, while admini...
show context + On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
hacker news link | site china france us
Because they didn't intend to use chloroquine as a way to reduce the immune response to cytokine storms.They intended to use it to prevent virus replication in the cells at the early stages of the imm...
show context + On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
Nobody seems to be talking about the actual reason Chinese doctors found chloroquine (and HCQ) interesting and it has nothing to do with it's immunosuppressing effect:1) Chloroquine (and HCQ) is a zin...
show context + On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
HarryHirsch says "The zinc notion is total bunk..."I am unclear what you mean here but this in-vitro experiment. which studied interaction of zinc ions with chloroquine in a human ovarian ca...
show context + On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
HN a study but just another anecdote. Using zinc this time round rather than azithromycin....
show context + On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
This morning we had:France ex-IHU Marseille/AP-HP: 79160 cases, 7527 dead, mortality rate 9.5%IHU Marseille/AP-HP: 3005 cases, 33 dead, mortality rate 1.1%France doesn't use HCQ consistently yet. Didi...
show context + On: Hydroxychloroquine Probably Isn't the Answer
> There is absolutely no evidence that HCQ or HCQ/azithromycin would have any effect on seriously ill patients with viral pneumoniaIt's supposed to be taken BEFORE you become seriously ill and develop...
show context + On: Hydroxychloroquine Probably Isn't the Answer
Note that some cancers kill you very fast and other kill you in a very long time, so you have a chance of die from another cause.If the study in a small group proves that the miracle drug is ineffecti...
show context + On: Hydroxychloroquine Probably Isn't the Answer
If the results are so good it would be impressive. But it will be necessary to take a look at the data. Dollar to doughnuts they have a horrible methodological mistake, like a bad classification of th...
show context + On: Hydroxychloroquine Probably Isn't the Answer
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