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You can't mention spurious linear regression without predicting the S&P500 with Leinweiber's price of butter in Bangladesh indicator.
show context + On: Abusing linear regression to make a point
hacker news link | site europe figures
It's really not low single digit. Firstly it's a proposal for ~€100bn (not ~$100bn), the current program is ~€80bn. Secondly if you look at the spending[1] more than 50% of it by any reasonable measur...
show context + On: CERN approves plans for a $23B, 62-mile long super-collider
hacker news link | site world chart
If you follow science budgets and their growth around the world $23Billion is no big deal -
show context + On: CERN approves plans for a $23B, 62-mile long super-collider
There's not really any evidence that bull markets die of old age.[1] For example prior to 2020, Australia had 29 years of robust economic growth without a recession.[2][1]
show context + On: May sees biggest jobs increase ever
hacker news link | site us figures
CNBC has some analysis on what jobs were created at : like vast majority were in hospitality. Unfortunately, the warning sign is ~-...
show context + On: May sees biggest jobs increase ever
hacker news link | site us figures
Seems to good to be true, and in the FAQ starting page 9 there is some interesting info:In May 2020, 5.4 million people were included in the "other reasons" category—about two-thirds of the total 8.4 ...
show context + On: May sees biggest jobs increase ever
hacker news link | site china us timeline
Thanks for the info.If those dates are correct for the first week of Jan., then the CDC was actually very aggressive for a govt. agency, since Wuhan was still trying to cover it up that week. (See lin...
show context + On: The CDC's Coronavirus Death Rate Estimates Are Too Low, Many
Fun fact, 30-40% of the food in our supply chain is wasted. So, we're actually not too far from that. Sure, the meals aren't directly wasted by the company and rather through the supply chain. But, th...
show context + On: We reduced the AWS costs of our streaming data pipeline
hacker news link | site us chart
Growth in the US is 20% real, 80% bubble. Every now and then the bubbles burst, the baloons deflate to their actual value. And then greed accelerates things again. Unfortunately the acceleration happe...
show context + On: America's Growth Ponzi Scheme
hacker news link | site us figures graphs>What, then, is the missing piece? A major factor that has not received sufficient attention is the role of public policy. Throughout mos...
show context + On: America's Growth Ponzi Scheme
hacker news link | site china piechart
Yes. Data is the key. You can't automate and employ AI without harvesting data. That's one of the reasons all this is being consolidated. Farmers are too fragmented to act together to generate and pro...
show context + On: An Airbnb for farmland hits a snag, as farmers raise data pr> If you're hoping a vaccine is going to be a knight in shining armor saving the day, you may be in for a disappointment. SARSCOV2 is a high...
show context + On: Instacart announces new Covid-19 policies and plans to hire
hacker news link | site new-york south-korea
>In the general population overall, Covid is undeniably more deadly than the flu, but only about 3-5x (and I think 3x personally right now).I don't see how you get close to 3X more deadly than the flu...
show context + On: Preliminary test results suggest 21% of NYC residents have C
Right, but I think some of that suicide rate comes from the lack of "purpose" (it's silly that we rely on our jobs for purpose but we really do), or more broadly the desynchronization of one...
show context + On: Preliminary test results suggest 21% of NYC residents have C
Surprisingly, no.When companies are making easy money, there is very little incentive to improve efficiency, and a lot of incentive to continue the status quo. It's only during tight times do companie...
show context + On: Coronavirus may mean automation is coming sooner than we tho
hacker news link | site statistics
They must go through their state's unemployment office. The CARES [0] act added $600 per week to state unemployment benefits, expanded unemployment coverage to self-employed workers[1], and extended t...
show context + On: Coronavirus may mean automation is coming sooner than we tho
There was an episode on Planet Money that ran cost benefit analysis and their conclusion was that it makes sense to lock down because just trying to get to herd immunity will cost more.https://www.npr...
show context + On: Do Covid-19 death rates by age suggest a path to staying ope
hacker news link | site denmark sweden
Too early to tell there.> For weeks, the numbers of COVID-19 cases and fatalities were proportionally similar between Sweden and Denmark...
show context + On: Latest EURO MOMO data shows excess all-cause mortality in so
hacker news link | site denmark sweden
They've taken some mitigation steps - closing high schools and universities, banning large gatherings, encouraging work from home, social distancing, etc. It's also unclear if it's working:https://abc...
show context + On: Latest EURO MOMO data shows excess all-cause mortality in so
Paper: I'm reading the results table in the linked paper correctly, it seems that household wealth was only a significant predictor of ...
show context + On: Poverty, not trauma, affects cognitive function in refugee y
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