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> the mean wage and salary USA personal income, which is $66K USD in 2019.No, the mean wage and salary personal income in 2019 was $51,916.27 (the median was $34,248.45.) [0] Both of those are across ...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us study chart
From the cited paper [1]:> We show that income in the least wealthy decile (10%) scales close to linearly with city population, while income in the most wealthy decile scale with a significantly super...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us calculator
This is because regulatory restrictions inhibiting housing construction leads to housing shortages which prices out lower income workers:
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us study
For reference, and to show how much it adds up, that area you commuted in has the longest average commute in the US[1]:> In the area with the longest average commute (New York-Newark-Jersey City), com...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site california us study
The Reason Foundation (which is slightly right leaning of center, but makes its case using actual studies and facts) has a great explainer on how plastic bag bans for example hurt the environment more...
show context + On: U.S. generates more plastic trash than any other nation, rep
hacker news link | site us study
I think I see where you're comparing the two, (I think) your claim is that both systemic racism and mass censorship are two nuanced topics that aren't observable directly. Which is (maybe) true.Where ...
show context + On: GOP's Big Tech plan ignores consumers, targets censorship of
hacker news link | site us graph
> There is no way you can blame the GOP for Catholic behavior.There's no way you can meaningfully associate the modern political parties with pretty much anything of the 1930s, because aside from the ...
show context + On: GOP's Big Tech plan ignores consumers, targets censorship of
hacker news link | site world chart
saved you a search: . includes this depressing factoid, "American workers took an average of just over 17 days of vacation in 2017...
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
hacker news link | site us figures
This seems to be one of those narrow stats that misses the meta around it.There's more meta around it.People in this age group seem to switch jobs a lot. This roughly falls in line with what Gallop fo...
show context + On: Half of young women will leave their tech job by age 35, stu
hacker news link | site world figures
Another note from the study is that 50% of the women who left didn't leave tech, they left private tech companies and went to create a startup, become an independent worker or join a government agency...
show context + On: Half of young women will leave their tech job by age 35, stu
hacker news link | site world figures
hmm the 50% number comes from, which seems to get the figure from a 2016 study (
show context + On: Half of young women will leave their tech job by age 35, stu
hacker news link | site us survey
How is that supply restricted? Medical schools are pretty much full, but many schools are going to great lengths to expand available spaces. Med school enrollments are up about 30% since the early 00'...
show context + On: Congressional investigation shows Celgene, Teva plotted to k
hacker news link | site us timeline 26: "And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a prett...
show context + On: Mortality Rates from Covid-19 Are Lower in Unionized Nursing
hacker news link | site us statistics
A lot of the things that "everyone knows" are wrong. The point of science is to have a systematic way to tell the difference between things that seem intuitively true and things that are act...
show context + On: Laypeople can predict which social-science studies will repl
The OECD Better Life Index is exactly that:'s an alternative to macro-economic indicators such as GDP that measures quality of life across 11 dime...
show context + On: Goodhart's Law and how systems are shaped by the metrics you
hacker news link | site us study
Interesting about EB1A, didn't know.I agree that we need reform in this area. For one, a bidding system for H1-B type visas could prevent much of the abuse. Like you, I'm not a Trump supporter, but I ...
show context + On: H-1B: Government issues first-ever official estimate of visa
hacker news link | site us study
There are some convincing studies that suggest otherwise. Combined with the fact that tech CEOs speak openly that salaries are too high, and conspire with each other to lower them, it seems fairly lik...
show context + On: H-1B: Government issues first-ever official estimate of visa
hacker news link | site netherland figures
I'd really need to see actual numbers for this, especially as this is kind of contrary to the yearly report Ster released two weeks ago. In this they stated that while the first couple months of 2020 ...
show context + On: Dutch national broadcaster saw ad revenue rise when it stopp
hacker news link | site world table
...'cause _historically_ contextual advertising doesn't work better than targeted. And contextual targeting is hard, because determining context is hard and it can fail catastrophically (I recall the ...
show context + On: Dutch national broadcaster saw ad revenue rise when it stopp
hacker news link | site netherland table
"what does "Scale" even mean here?"I meant in context of the number of publishers that advertisers need to deal with to purchase impressions.Cutting out the ad networks probably ma...
show context + On: Dutch national broadcaster saw ad revenue rise when it stopp
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