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> the mean wage and salary USA personal income, which is $66K USD in 2019.No, the mean wage and salary personal income in 2019 was $51,916.27 (the median was $34,248.45.) [0] Both of those are across ...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
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This is because regulatory restrictions inhibiting housing construction leads to housing shortages which prices out lower income workers:
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us pie-chart chart open-data
Just going one step above: and Industry represent 33%, more than the 29% of the total for transportation.Even drilling down t...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site us table study open-data
According to [1], the US had net Greenhouse Gas emissions of 6558.3 MMT CO2 Eq, of which transportation CO2 energy emissions took 1817.2 MMT CO2 Eq, of which 58% was due to light-duty vehicles. That m...
show context + On: As cities grow in size, the poor 'get nothing at all': study
hacker news link | site europe chart
Yes they fluctuate enough that you can make a profit even with a "20% loss". Here [1] you can see today's prices on the electricity spot market for Europe (Changing the date does not work in...
show context + On: CO2 battery could make wind and solar dispatchable at a lowe
hacker news link | site world chart
There is lots of lithium. But lithium is kind of a tricky, its almost more chemical then a base metal. Qualifying a new lithium extraction technology is tricky, and every brine is different.Lithium is...
show context + On: Tesla is shifting from nickel to iron cathode on standard ra
According to Wikipedia [0], about 500,000 Horseshoe crabs are bled each year, with a mortality rate of 5-30%, depending on the source. In contrast, about 1,000,000 Horseshoe crabs are used as fishing ...
show context + On: Horseshoe crab blood to remain big pharma's standard as grou
hacker news link | site world chart
Yet the median disposable income per person, after adjustments for government provided healthcare and education is enormously higher than any other nation, according to the OECD.
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
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There are places where they don't use insurance, it's cash only. The Surgery Center of Oklahoma does cash only and will tell you the cost before you even contact a surgeon or specialist. It's on their...
show context + On: Why is life expectancy in the US lower than in other rich co
Average tenancy length is two years ( So you'll have more money on your hands if you drop your rents by one third rather than leave it...
show context + On: Rent control is keeping rents high in San Francisco
hacker news link | site us california figures
I don't know where you work or where you live or how much you make. I can't possibly fashion a response specifically for you.Rent control, minimum wage are duct tape solutions that don't work in the l...
show context + On: Rent control is keeping rents high in San Francisco
hacker news link | site us chart
Food is not only insanely subsidized the United States, it is cheap due to imports from developing countries and exploited farm labour.Also: farmers get 7.8c of every food dollar.https://www.wash...
show context + On: Rent control is keeping rents high in San Francisco
hacker news link | site us figures increase in median household income from 2018-2019. Look at the stats, most of that growth went into the lower quintiles.And no, ev...
show context + On: 1 in 4 Americans are jobless or earning poverty-level wages,
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This seems to be one of those narrow stats that misses the meta around it.There's more meta around it.People in this age group seem to switch jobs a lot. This roughly falls in line with what Gallop fo...
show context + On: Half of young women will leave their tech job by age 35, stu
hacker news link | site world chart
Not to be an apologist for crappy pharma behavior, but some of the accusations don't seem that egregious."An internal slide presented to the company's drug pricing advisory board showed that the ...
show context + On: Congressional investigation shows Celgene, Teva plotted to k
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Lots of conversation on the cost of US healthcare seems hyper-focused on prescription drug prices. A report released last week seems to contradict the notion that prescription drug prices are the culp...
show context + On: Congressional investigation shows Celgene, Teva plotted to k
hacker news link | site world chart
This is an interesting theory to play around with. If you look at the regional revenues listed on Bayer's site[0] North America accounts for €15.1 billion of revenue, while Europe/Middle East/Africa a...
show context + On: Congressional investigation shows Celgene, Teva plotted to k
The OECD Better Life Index is exactly that:'s an alternative to macro-economic indicators such as GDP that measures quality of life across 11 dime...
show context + On: Goodhart's Law and how systems are shaped by the metrics you
hacker news link | site us study
Interesting about EB1A, didn't know.I agree that we need reform in this area. For one, a bidding system for H1-B type visas could prevent much of the abuse. Like you, I'm not a Trump supporter, but I ...
show context + On: H-1B: Government issues first-ever official estimate of visa
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There are some convincing studies that suggest otherwise. Combined with the fact that tech CEOs speak openly that salaries are too high, and conspire with each other to lower them, it seems fairly lik...
show context + On: H-1B: Government issues first-ever official estimate of visa
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