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The end of the article says:>> "The fact that there are no specific terms to describe odors supports the idea of a defective association between odor and language. Odors take the name of the obje...
show context + On: The Legendary Study That Embarrassed Wine Experts (2014)
hacker news link | site world study : meditation probably contributes to mental states that arent unlike DMT induced ones.we are chemical soups sloshing around within our meat sacs.i...
show context + On: DMT drug study investigates the 'entities' people meet while
hacker news link | site us statistics
A lot of the things that "everyone knows" are wrong. The point of science is to have a systematic way to tell the difference between things that seem intuitively true and things that are act...
show context + On: Laypeople can predict which social-science studies will repl
It's increasingly looking like there are deep biological reasons for expressions like "gut instinct". There are a lot of neurons in the digestive system. A recent paper[2] appeared to show t...
show context + On: A man who can read letters but not numbers exposes roots of
hacker news link | site europe figures
It's really not low single digit. Firstly it's a proposal for ~€100bn (not ~$100bn), the current program is ~€80bn. Secondly if you look at the spending[1] more than 50% of it by any reasonable measur...
show context + On: CERN approves plans for a $23B, 62-mile long super-collider
hacker news link | site timeline
I recently posted a link to in another thread.Go on and look at it. Cross off composite particles like Antihelium-4 and antihydrogen, j...
show context + On: CERN approves plans for a $23B, 62-mile long super-collider
hacker news link | site world chart
If you follow science budgets and their growth around the world $23Billion is no big deal -
show context + On: CERN approves plans for a $23B, 62-mile long super-collider
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