It's really not low single digit. Firstly it's a proposal for ~€100bn (not ~$100bn), the current program is ~€80bn. Secondly if you look at the spending[1] more than 50% of it by any reasonable measur...
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On: CERN approves plans for a $23B, 62-mile long super-collider
My grandfather never had a formal education and I've seen old articles of his with citations in three different languages. That was in the early 1900s. In the early 2000s the majority of my high schoo...
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On: International Standard Paper Sizes> The allocation of seats to each member state is based on the principle of degressive proportionality, so that, while the size of the po...
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On: Welcome to the 21st Century: How to Plan for the Post-Covid
The real question is "why is that?". Do blacks tend to get into more altercations with police, is it systemic racism, both?Without further investigation, this graph can bait people into jump...
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On: U.S. Police Shootings: Breaking Down the Data by Race
Now is the time for us to start doing the hard work to make police accountability happen. Getting public records data accessible is a way to make good progress toward this.450+ of us are working on a ...
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On: U.S. Police Shootings: Breaking Down the Data by Race
> Why is the author afraid of "sanctions" in a first world democracy with strong freedom of speech protections?"Many Weste...
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On: An update on a pre-registered result about the coronavirus
Stipulating most of your comment, gender can still easily be a top predictor of memory / intelligence / etc., because "top" is an ordinal concept. That just says it has more of an effect tha...
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On: Poverty, not trauma, affects cognitive function in refugee y