A kindred spirit! I also am a forager (from VT).The "National Map" has a lot of the available high resolution elevation data (derived from LiDAR), but not all of it. Much of this data is col...
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On: Show HN: High Resolution Terrain Maps of Cascade Volcanoes
The data is entirely available from https://spotifycharts.com/regional including daily CSV download links since 2017-01-01.The OP submission just renders it on a map....
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On: Most-streamed track of the day by country
> 21000 deaths is not "near zero"I'm not sure what your contrived narrative is, but actually it is near zero, far less than several other causes of death. (The annual mortality rate is over ...
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On: Antibody Tests Point to Lower Death Rate for the Coronavirus
There we go again. In NYC, 19 out of 100,000 people aged 18-45 died. (1)There are roughly 110M people in that age group in the U.S. so that would mean 21000 deaths if the virus would spread as widely ...
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On: Antibody Tests Point to Lower Death Rate for the Coronavirus
> Without further investigation, this graph can bait people into jumping to misinformed conclusions.Likewise with the data you've linked. Submission of data to the UCR database is completely voluntary...
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On: U.S. Police Shootings: Breaking Down the Data by Race
The real question is "why is that?". Do blacks tend to get into more altercations with police, is it systemic racism, both?Without further investigation, this graph can bait people into jump...
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On: U.S. Police Shootings: Breaking Down the Data by Race
Now is the time for us to start doing the hard work to make police accountability happen. Getting public records data accessible is a way to make good progress toward this.450+ of us are working on a ...
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On: U.S. Police Shootings: Breaking Down the Data by Race
The US is pretty close to a lot of the rest of the OECD in obesity rates (in particular, UK/Australia/NZ) https://data.oecd.org/healthrisk/overweight-or-obese-populat...) while costing twice what othe...
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On: America's Growth Ponzi Scheme
> Now they've added some mojo to prevent this but still sell location data.Strava publish a "heat map" that shows aggregated activity of all their users. It's useful for finding common runni...
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On: Norway: Soldiers' location history found in data sold by Tam
Reminded me of this New York Times article where they got hold of location data from 12 million americans.
I think NRK found some inspiration from that.https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/19/o...
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On: Norway: Soldiers' location history found in data sold by Tam
I'm sure European governments love all the press that the US gets for this kind of stuff because it draws attention away from them. A lot of Europeans seem to know more about wiretapping in the US th...
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On: Germany's data chief tells ministries WhatsApp is a no-go
That would be a valid conjecture if we didn't had the ONS data already there are virtually no additional reported deaths for that age group above what PHE reports:https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulati...
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On: Cambridge research team estimates 12% of England has been in
Dataset for sale on RapidForum: https://raidforums.com/Thread-WORLDWIDE-Name-Job-Email-Phone...Similar data structure: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-soswe4?file=src%2Fapp%2F...Owner works for: h...
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On: The unattributable "db8151dd" data breach
You must be kidding? the only time they are looking only at "meta" data is when they don't have the (mental/physical) capacity to analyze the rest... look at this for example: https://www.bu...
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On: Senate narrowly rejects plan to require a warrant for Americ
Whelp... I'm 0/2 for my senators. Here is my letter BTW, feel free to copy it and use it to get in contact with your reps. Look up their votes here [1].Dear Representative $NAY_VOTER,I'm writing you...
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On: Senate narrowly rejects plan to require a warrant for Americ
That's household income, which includes multiple people's income for households in which multiple people work. Median income for individuals was $33,706 in 2018, the last year for which data is availa...
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On: Instacart announces new Covid-19 policies and plans to hire
It seems the CDC has different data depending on where you look. The 45 million / 61,000 numbers are here, for the 2017-2018 season, see Figure 2:https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.htmlAnd on ...
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On: Preliminary test results suggest 21% of NYC residents have C
Jakarta and Istanbul have a huge rise in deaths, similar to European countries, but they have suspiciously low recorded numbers of deaths officially due to Covid. http://archive.vn/vOoRpIt looks to me...
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On: Preliminary test results suggest 21% of NYC residents have C
I was astonished by your 1/1000 figure and had to look it up... If anything, its too low. 15k deaths (proven+probable) in 8M people is almost 2/1000.https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data...
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On: Preliminary test results suggest 21% of NYC residents have C