By 2023, the USGS plans to have taken high-resolution LiDAR over the entire continental U.S., as well as creating 1-meter raster elevation products. Maps like these will be easier to create in the fut...
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On: Show HN: High Resolution Terrain Maps of Cascade Volcanoes
Also have a look at the ASTER GDEM data for elevation and water body classification: I have managed to successfully use this in one of my own projects, but it d...
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On: Show HN: High Resolution Terrain Maps of Cascade Volcanoes
A kindred spirit! I also am a forager (from VT).The "National Map" has a lot of the available high resolution elevation data (derived from LiDAR), but not all of it. Much of this data is col...
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On: Show HN: High Resolution Terrain Maps of Cascade Volcanoes