In the UK we have two death counts.The one that's used most (the one that appears every day) is here: is people who test positive fo...
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On: The Metric We Need to Manage Covid-19
Best data is excess mortality.Many deaths won't be attributed to covid19 but still caused by it.Here an explanation:
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On: The Metric We Need to Manage Covid-19
Belgium has this specifically for our country [0]. It has a 4 week lag, but they've started to include interim data in the weekly updates by the national bureau for epidemics. The last weekly update i...
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On: The Metric We Need to Manage Covid-19
I saw an interesting alternate statistics where you measure the overall mortality rate and compare to previous years. EU only, but something like this might exist elsewhere as well:
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On: The Metric We Need to Manage Covid-19
> This study tries to estimate Rt in several European countries from the death rates though there are issues with those statistics too: ob...
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On: The Metric We Need to Manage Covid-19
If you look at test results you probably won't learn much. There will be far fewer tests than cases and most cases will never be tested. It seems more likely that you'll just be measuring some other e...
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On: The Metric We Need to Manage Covid-19
[IANAD] hydroxychloroquine is an immunosuppressant and shouldn't be combined even with vaccines ( ), so using it when immune system is ...
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On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
HarryHirsch says "The zinc notion is total bunk..."I am unclear what you mean here but this in-vitro experiment. which studied interaction of zinc ions with chloroquine in a human ovarian ca...
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On: Study: Severe Covid-19 Cases Don't Respond to Hydroxychloroq
Isolation (physical distancing) would cause this. Flu doesn't have a long incubation, and doesn't survive as well (AFAICT, not a medic) outside bodies.Isolation should reduce all virus transmission an...
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On: Hydroxychloroquine Probably Isn't the Answer
Every year about 295-650k die of respiratory issues with flu as a complication. That means on average a 30-year-old knows about 200 times the people who have died of the flu then Covid.So you must cer...
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On: Covid-19: death rate is 0.66% and increases with age, study
Link to the actual paper: are in the last column of Table 1 (page 5).These seem roughly in line with CDC estimates for the US, s...
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On: Covid-19: death rate is 0.66% and increases with age, study
These numbers seem much more realistic versus the previous doomsday predictions of 3%. To compare this to base rates, the age adjusted base rate for deaths in the US in 2018 was about 0.7%[0]. Dependi...
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On: Covid-19: death rate is 0.66% and increases with age, study
The US death rate is the sum of a bunch of time-lagged exponential curves. For instance, CA is 2 weeks after NY. Numbers from individual states are more informative (but have similar issues for big ...
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On: Covid-19: death rate is 0.66% and increases with age, study
CDC says USA deaths are at 6,500 as of yesterday 4th April [1]Considering they were reported in the news[2] as 600 on Tues 23rd, 1000 on Thurs 25th, 2000 on Sat 28th, 3700 on Mon 31st, and the infecti...
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On: Covid-19: death rate is 0.66% and increases with age, study
Let's presume this death rate is accurate to within an order of 2- 1.33% to 0.33%. We can use that to do some interesting estimates on the true infection rate.
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On: Covid-19: death rate is 0.66% and increases with age, study
For a country with ~10% over 70 years old, and assuming infection fatality rate of ~6% among those, then IFR would already be 0.6%. So suppose that what you've read is the current statistics, it does ...
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On: Covid-19: death rate is 0.66% and increases with age, study